The "Beautiful Baby Search" has begun!! I highly suggest everyone enter their baby/child- the grand prize is $125,000 towards a 4yr college education and a cover shoot for Parenting Magazine. Now the reason for my post....
As much as I would love to show off my work and your beautiful child, I cannot give out any images from past sessions for you to enter. Here is rule #3 from their official rule page.
Send us a recent photo of your baby. Photos must have been taken in the last month and can not be the product of a professional photographer. Submissions must be the sole property of entrant and entrant must have all rights to reproduce and distribute the photo submitted. Any submission not meeting these requirements will be immediately disqualified. You may enter twins, triplets, etc. as one entry. Hereafter “Child” shall refer to a single child or collectively to twins/triplets, etc. as applicable.and because blog posts are always more fun with a picture..check out these little "Future Rock Stars"