Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mom, Dad, Gramma, Grandpa.......Wanna MELT?

Look at your baby!!!!!


This was a fun 10th anniversary photo shoot...and they are so mushy lovey towards each other- how SWEET! Love that they wanted to include their grandbabies- aren't they GORGEOUS?

These babies make me tear up-

They are so precious and when they hold hands it melts my heart each time =) Thanks for helping again grammy!

Lil' Model

I think she needs to be on a magazine cover- for sure!

Love this lil guy =)

I wanted to put him in a tea should have seen the look on his mommy's face- tee hee- Love ya Chris!!

This lil lady came in for her 3 month pics!

Isn't she GORGEOUS!!! Thanks mommy and daddy for being so fun and easy-going.